Hilty and Mitchell 2012

Hilty, Holly J. and Mitchell, Jessica R. 2012. Yamphu: A sociolinguistic survey. Linguistic Survey of Nepal (LinSuN) Central Department of Linguistics Tribhuvan University, Nepal and SIL International.; Rutgers, Roland. 1998. Yamphu: Grammar, Texts & Lexicon (Languages of the Greater Himalayan Region 2). Leiden: Research School of Asian, African and Amerindian Studies (CNWS), Universiteit Leiden.

  author = {Hilty, Holly J. and Mitchell, Jessica R.},
  title  = {Yamphu: A sociolinguistic survey. Linguistic Survey of Nepal (LinSuN) Central Department of Linguistics Tribhuvan University, Nepal and SIL International.; Rutgers, Roland. 1998. Yamphu: Grammar, Texts & Lexicon (Languages of the Greater Himalayan Region 2). Leiden: Research School of Asian, African and Amerindian Studies (CNWS), Universiteit Leiden.},
  year   = {2012}