Hale 1967

Hale, Kenneth L. 1967. Toward a reconstruction of Kiowa-Tanoan phonology. International Journal of American Linguistics 33(2), 112-120.; Yu, Dominic. 2006. Comparative phonology of Picurís and Taos. http://linguistics.berkeley.edu/~dom/historical-picuris.pdf ; Harrington, John P. 1910. An introductory paper on the Tiwa language, dialect of Taos, New Mexico. American Anthropologist 12(1), 11-48.; Trager, George L. and Edith C. Trager. 1959. Kiowa and Tanoan. American Anthropologist 61, 1078–1083.

  author = {Hale, Kenneth L.},
  title  = {Toward a reconstruction of Kiowa-Tanoan phonology. International Journal of American Linguistics 33(2), 112-120.; Yu, Dominic. 2006. Comparative phonology of Picurís and Taos. http://linguistics.berkeley.edu/~dom/historical-picuris.pdf ; Harrington, John P. 1910. An introductory paper on the Tiwa language, dialect of Taos, New Mexico. American Anthropologist 12(1), 11-48.; Trager, George L. and Edith C. Trager. 1959. Kiowa and Tanoan. American Anthropologist 61, 1078–1083.},
  year   = {1967}