Paul 2011

Paul, Daniel. 2011. A Comparative Dialectal Description of Iranian Taleshi. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Manchester.; Lazard, Gilbert. 1978, 1979, 1979. Le dialecte Tâleši de Mâsule (Gilân). Studia Iranica 7(2), 8(1), 8(2). 251-268, 36-66, 269-275.

  author = {Paul, Daniel},
  title  = {A Comparative Dialectal Description of Iranian Taleshi. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Manchester.; Lazard, Gilbert. 1978, 1979, 1979. Le dialecte Tâleši de Mâsule (Gilân). Studia Iranica 7(2), 8(1), 8(2). 251-268, 36-66, 269-275.},
  year   = {2011}