Bright, William and Olmsted, David L. 1959. A Shasta Vocabulary. Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers 20. 1-55.; Silver, Shirley. 1966. The Shasta Language. University of California at Berkeley doctoral dissertation.; Silver, Shirley and Clara Wicks. 1977. Coyote steals fire (Shasta). In Victor Golla & Shirley Silver (eds.), Northern California Texts (International Journal of American Linguistics: Native American Text Series 2), 121-131. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
@misc{8247, author = {Bright, William and Olmsted, David L.}, title = {A Shasta Vocabulary. Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers 20. 1-55.; Silver, Shirley. 1966. The Shasta Language. University of California at Berkeley doctoral dissertation.; Silver, Shirley and Clara Wicks. 1977. Coyote steals fire (Shasta). In Victor Golla & Shirley Silver (eds.), Northern California Texts (International Journal of American Linguistics: Native American Text Series 2), 121-131. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.}, year = {1959} }