Kaufman and Norman. 1984

Kaufman, Terrence S. and Norman., William M. 1984. An outline of Proto-Cholan phonology, morphology and vocabulary. In Justeson, John S. and Lyle Campbell (eds.), Phoneticism in Mayan Hieroglyphic writing, 77-166. Albany, New York: Institute for Mesoamerican Studies.; Vowel adjustments to modern understanding made by Cecil H. Brown. Some additional reconstructions by Cecil H. Brown.

  author = {Kaufman, Terrence S. and Norman., William M.},
  title  = {An outline of Proto-Cholan phonology, morphology and vocabulary. In Justeson, John S. and Lyle Campbell (eds.), Phoneticism in Mayan Hieroglyphic writing, 77-166. Albany, New York: Institute for Mesoamerican Studies.; Vowel adjustments to modern understanding made by Cecil H. Brown. Some additional reconstructions by Cecil H. Brown.},
  year   = {1984}