Lawyer 2015

Lawyer, Lewis C. 2015. Patwin phonemics, phonetics, and phonotactics. International Journal of American Linguistics 81(2). 221-260.; Radin, Paul. n.d. A sketch of Patwin grammar. Ms. composed 1932-1949.; Bright, Elizabeth (researcher); Lowell, Nora (consultant); Bright, William (researcher). 1952. Patwin vocabulary. California Language Archive.; Whistler, Kenneth W. 1976. Patwin folk-taxonomic structures. University of California at Berkeley MA thesis.; Whistler, Kenneth W. 1977. Deer and bear children (Patwin). In Victor Golla, and Shirley Silver (eds.), Northern California Texts, 158-178.

  author = {Lawyer, Lewis C.},
  title  = {Patwin phonemics, phonetics, and phonotactics. International Journal of American Linguistics 81(2). 221-260.; Radin, Paul. n.d. A sketch of Patwin grammar. Ms. composed 1932-1949.; Bright, Elizabeth (researcher); Lowell, Nora (consultant); Bright, William (researcher). 1952. Patwin vocabulary. California Language Archive.; Whistler, Kenneth W. 1976. Patwin folk-taxonomic structures. University of California at Berkeley MA thesis.; Whistler, Kenneth W. 1977. Deer and bear children (Patwin). In Victor Golla, and Shirley Silver (eds.), Northern California Texts, 158-178.},
  year   = {2015}