Batic 2017a

Batic, Gian Claudio. 2017a. A Kushi-English-Hausa Wordlist. Linguistic Discovery 15(1). 85–106.; Batic, Gian Claudio. 2017b. The origins of Kushi in oral narratives. Studies of the Department of African Languages and Cultures 51: 5-22.

  author = {Batic, Gian Claudio},
  title  = {A Kushi-English-Hausa Wordlist. Linguistic Discovery 15(1). 85–106.; Batic, Gian Claudio. 2017b. The origins of Kushi in oral narratives. Studies of the Department of African Languages and Cultures 51: 5-22.},
  year   = {2017a}