Batchelor, John. 1905. An Ainu-English-Japanese Dictionary (including A Grammar of the Ainu Language.) Methodist Pub. house; London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, Co.; Hattori, Shirô. 1964. An Ainu dialect dictionary: with Ainu, Japanese and English indexes. Iwanami Shoten.; (accessed 2020-01-27).
@misc{2991, author = {Batchelor, John}, title = {An Ainu-English-Japanese Dictionary (including A Grammar of the Ainu Language.) Methodist Pub. house; London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, Co.; Hattori, Shirô. 1964. An Ainu dialect dictionary: with Ainu, Japanese and English indexes. Iwanami Shoten.; (accessed 2020-01-27).}, year = {1905} }