Geraty 1997

Geraty, Virginia Mixson. 1997. Gulluh Fuh Oonuh: A Gullaj/English guide. Orangeburg, SC: Sandlapper Publishing.; Hancock, Ian F. 1980. Texan Gullah: The Creole English of the Brackettville Afro-Seminoles. In Dillard, J.L. (ed.), Perspectives on American English, 305-333. The Hague: Mouton.

  author = {Geraty, Virginia Mixson},
  title  = {Gulluh Fuh Oonuh: A Gullaj/English guide. Orangeburg, SC: Sandlapper Publishing.; Hancock, Ian F. 1980. Texan Gullah: The Creole English of the Brackettville Afro-Seminoles. In Dillard, J.L. (ed.), Perspectives on American English, 305-333. The Hague: Mouton.},
  year   = {1997}